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Here Are Some Great Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
Here are some great tips to help improve the various aspects of your golf game.
These three key factors may persuade you to hit an iron instead of a driver from the tee
1. The design of the whole
2. The weather
3. The state of your golf swing
"Design" refers to the breadth of the fairway, the length of the hole, and sometimes the direction of the hole. If the fairway is narrow, an iron should give you a better chance of hitting it [a fairway wood is not a bad choice either, in this instance]. If the is short, and you don't need maximum distance from the tee to give you a short iron to the green, go for the iron. In fact, unless you can drive the green, ideally you want to be between 75 and 100 yards back, as that will allow you a full wedge shot. Last, if the hole doglegs to the left or right at a point where a well hit drive would travel through the turn and into the rough beyond, then you should take just enough club to reach the turn - an iron, in other words. It's a good idea to use an iron in the windy weather simply because it's an easier club to control. Control is more important than distance in any weather, but especially in the windy stuff. If you're not making solid contact, or are spraying the ball with the driver, go with an iron. Once you regain your confidence, work back to the driver.
Jack Nicklaus once give a clinic years ago at the Inverarry Country Club in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Jack hit 12 tee shots of various trajectories from high to low. Not once was the tee knocked out of the ground and in all cases he elected to leave the height of the tee the same - he had the ball teed high. An effective optical aid you may want to use would be another golf tee other than the one the ball is teed upon. Note in the illustration, the tee is angled in the level to sightly upward position in relation to the ground. By placing the secondary tee across from the ball being struck, the student can set for himself the path the clubhead must be on in order to strike the ball with a solid, level blow.
Ball position is a key in generating more power in your drives. Setting up the ball too far forward or back in your stance will limit your power. If the ball is too far back in your stance, you will strike the ball potentially on your downswing. With a very small angle to begin with, it is virtually impossible to hit a good drive on your downswing with the ball too far back in your stance. The proper position is somewhere in between the width of your front foot.
Remember that your golf eqiupment is not the whole story. Techinique plays a large part in how long and straight you drive the ball. Diligently practice using tips like these and your will see a great deal of improvement in your teee shots.
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great indoor practice putting green or a great golf putter today!
Some Quick Golf Information
The shove type: The word shove is misleading. An actual shove is illegal. It's only a feel. What gives this shove feel is the stroke is made with a very short backswing and a long followthrough. The advantage of this type of stroke is the shorter the backswing, the less chance of error.
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Lean Left
It's critical to start and keep your weight toward your front foot during the entire motion of a bunker shot. This encourages the club to sustain its speed through impact, which in turn creates the wave of sand necessary to carry the ball in the air.
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Some things to know and practice: First, and most important search and ask around about a respected golf instructor in your area, and get them to give you information on their program prior to starting an instructional series. You don't want someone giving you advice who is not qualified, and can impart poor information that can create bad habits.
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Swing one of these properly (smoothly), and your technique will improve, just like Vijay's does.
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Sun, 16 Mar 2008 00:00:01 +0000
<p>There will not be a great deal of sympathy available for anyone daft enough to play golf in last week's storms, but that won't prevent me from holding out the begging bowl for a few condolences. It was our annual pilgrimage to St Andrews, and you don't go all the way up there not to play rounds you've paid for in advance.</p>
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