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Bunkers And Sand Traps - How To Play Them
By Lee MacRae
Getting out of a bunker or sand trap in one shot can do wonders for your confidence and your golf game. Follow along as we lay out some tips, tricks and hints to help you with your sand play and watch the improvement in your next round of golf.
The sand shot hit from a downhill lie is one of the toughest of all. Here's how to hit it; the key is ball position. As with other downhill shots, you should play the ball back in your stance, in this case roughly opposite your right foot. Next, swing the club up abruptly, breaking your wrists. Keeping your legs and torso steady, hit into the sand 2 inches behind the ball. Follow through normally. There is not much margin for error on this shot, so once you've picked a spot where you want the club to make contact with the sand, concentrate on hitting that exact spot and followed through.
The sand actually allows for a margin of error. Just make sure you accelerate your golf club through the sand and good results will follow. If your impact is close to your ball, it will go longer in the air but will retain a lot of spin. Impact a little farther behind your ball and you make it travel less in the air but it now has the tendency for more run on landing. Just remember to focus on the sand, not on the itself ball, and let your club [and the sand] do the work.
If the sand is wet or firm, don't automatically reach for your sand wedge. A better choice in this case would be a pitching wedge. The pitching wedge has less bounce [the curve on the bottom of the head] and is not as sharp on the edges. These feature will prevent the club from digging nto the sand too much and ruining the shot. Just keep the face square [not open as that adds to the bounce] and swing a little shorter than you normally would. Success will follow.
Once you have a feel for the basics of playing from sand, you can easily understand some of the finer points of bunker play, and you will find it easy to adapt your technique to different types of sand challenges and lies. Make your golf game more enjoyable with good sand play.
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Let's Talk About GolfSnap It For More Power
The powerful tension built up in the backswing needs to be unleashed into the ball. Before the club finishes at the top, the body must begin moving toward impact with the arms and club lagging behind (the body should drag the arms and club, not vice versa). The unwinding body should stop sharply before contact, whipping the arms and club powerfully into impact.
Golf Tips magazine
Forged Golf Irons
Maintain Your Angles. Stability improves torque and produces consistency. The keys to stability during the backswing are a constant knee flex and steady spine angle.
Make your golf day of whole life easier with a new
electric golf cart.
Golf is played in many different types of weather. The type of weather affects how far the ball travels and its amount of spin. Knowing how the weather conditions affect your ball, therefore, is necessary to making correct club selections.
golf news
Ping Putters
Looking to improve your golf swing? The majority of amateur golfers are. Possibly you suffer from a golf slice, or hook. Maybe you've bought every golf swing trainer you could get your hands on and still aren't seeing the improvement you'd hoped for. If any of this sounds like you then you're the person this site is for. I was a struggling golfer, trying to find the perfect golf swing. I'd had swing analysis done, met with golf instructors, and even bought the latest greatest golf software. None of which seemed to be lowering my handicap the way I wanted it to. The fact of the matter is, once I finally found the one item that helped me it turned out I was going about my swing improvement all wrong.
Get greater distance on your drives with great
Callaway golf balls.
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Bart Bryant: In the ZoneTue, 08 Nov 2005 00:00:00 GMT
During the filming of a Titleist commercial just a day before teeing it up at THE TOUR Championship, we asked Bart Bryant what it means when an athlete describes "being in the zone." Bart fired a first round 8-under par 62 the next day and posted a record-setting performance en route to a 6-stroke wire-to-wire victory. Here's what Bart had to say before the tournament began . . .
A Super Sunday for Holmes. TitleistMon, 06 Feb 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Super Sunday. Super Performance.
Champion's ChoiceMon, 01 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Jay Haas Trusts Titleist from Tee-to-Green in Back-to-Back Victories.
Collegiate Players Make Titleist Overwhelming #1 Golf BallThu, 08 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist Also Tops Tee-to-Green Equipment Categories at Men's Championship.
by Rosie Jones
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If you want a great swing then get this
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How To Excel In Golf
By: Jimmy Cox
The characteristic approach to the game of
golf by those who succeed involves a fixity of purpose which comes from emotional drive. The drive comes from what psychologists call "goal tensions," and this goal tension comes from the decision of the player to disregard the possible pleasures of the moment for the pleasures of final important achievement. However, the strength of this decision is apt to fluctuate from time to time and, to avoid its weakening, there are ways by which our drive can be further stimulated by conscious effort. Here are some of those methods:
1. Watch expert golfers in action. You will tend to identify with them, as you do with the hero in a movie, and as you do so, emotions of various kinds will be aroused which will stimulate your ambitions. After any tournament there is always a great flurry of golfing activity. The golf matches now being portrayed on television will result in even greater golfing interest.
2. Play in golf tournaments. A big emotional incentive comes out of competition. People learn much faster if their efforts are competitively successful. They experience an exhilarating lift to which they can easily become addicted. On the other hand, if they lose, their pride is stung and they may be stimulated to redeem themselves through a better showing.
3. Take lessons from someone you admire. Many a person has developed a lifelong desire to improve his game by the accident of having been around a person he liked who was a good player. It is not necessary to wait for such an accident to occur. Seek out the professional that you most admire and pay him whatever it costs for lessons. The ideal pro would be one who could both teach and play and also had personal qualities which would serve as a long-range source of stimulation.
4. Consider golf as a stepping-stone to material success. Golf has developed into big business and, in this business, there are many opportunities. Good playing can lead to money-making on a much larger scale than many other fields. This accounts for the fact that college players with promise are turning down other careers to take their chances on the circuit.
Many golfers do exceedingly well in selling clubs and other accessories. Some use connections developed on the golf course as an entree to profitable business deals. A good or even creditable game is a help in both business and social situations. If one becomes a professional even in a comparatively small way, he will find that the returns are good. In some cases, the returns approach the fabulous.
5. Consider golf as an aid to good health. Many physicians consider golf the ideal exercise as a promoter of good emotional and physical health. Without excessive strain, it enables one to exercise every muscle in the body. In addition, it promotes mental health by taking the mind off problems which produce emotional stress.
6. Be a "poor loser." It is not good psychology to cultivate an attitude of being satisfied with failure. Such an attitude is self-destructive, since it destroys the emotional drive that is required for sustained effort. Tommy Bolt was so heavily criticized for his angry reactions to poor shots and poor rounds that he set about to completely suppress his feelings. He said later that he quit winning the minute he started becoming a "good loser." I have known several amateurs whose games have deteriorated under similar circumstances.
This does not mean that one must be obnoxious in order to perform at his best. Our emotions can be directed into productive channels which will drive us to improve. It has been reported that Bobby Jones in his prime had unpleasant physical reactions during the stress of competition. In the best sense, this great sportsman was a "poor loser."
With This Golfing Technique I GUARANTEE You'll Lengthen Your Drive And Cut Your Handicap By 7-12 Strokes In Just Two Weeks Or Less! Click here for FREE online Ebook www.golfingtechnique.net/
Additional Info On Golf TodayShort Game Tip
The chip and run should be the workhorse of your short game. It is the most reliable shot around the green when you can't putt. I would estimate that at least 95% of my short game shots (from within 20 yards of the edge of the green) are played with a chip and run technique, and the other 5% is made up of putts from off the green, pitches, and bunker shots. Getting the ball on the ground and rolling as soon as possible greatly increases the chances of the ball's behavior being predictable. That is not to say that a chip and run is always very low to the ground; just as low as possible. A chip and run style shot can be played with the most lofted wedge in your bag, in which case some people might refer to the shot as a "pitch and run." In many cases where the average golfer tries to pitch the ball up in the air, the "risk vs. reward" and the uncontrollable nature of a pitch (especially from a marginal lie) make it a poor choice.
Short Game General Rules
--Putt whenever feasible (i.e., IF the ball will roll rather than bounce)
--Chip and run when you can't putt
--Pitch only when you have no choice
PGA professional golf
If you can�t seem to find the time to spend at the driving range and your backyard is too small to practice your golf swing, all hope is not lost thanks to virtual golf. Of course, this is not quite as satisfying as feeling the club strike the ball, but it may be a good solution between trips to the course. As the name suggests, you place a ball on the tee just like you would otherwise, but the ball will not travel outside a certain area. Or, you can opt for a net in which you can hit the ball except you will, obviously, have to hit the net each and every time.
PGA of America
Forged Golf Irons
Maintain Your Angles. Stability improves torque and produces consistency. The keys to stability during the backswing are a constant knee flex and steady spine angle.
Make your golf day of whole life easier with a new
electric golf cart.
Wood Game Tip
Many people complain about not being able to hit the ball well with their woods (or metals), and in particular their driver. From what I've seen poor quality contact is a major problem for many of these players. Put a tee in the ground (without a ball) sticking up approximately 1 to 1.5 inches. You should be able to strike the tee consistently without hitting, or even brushing, the ground at all. If you miss the tee, or touch the ground in any way, don't wonder any longer why you can't hit your driver. Remember -- the longer the club, the more precision required. Practice this exercise until you can consistently clip the tee without touching the ground (or even the grass). Once you get quality contact handled the feedback you get from your shots becomes meaningful. Then you can work on directional control.
PGA professional golf
Golf Bags
GOLF BALLS- White, yellow, pink, orange. The list is pretty endless, but after choosing a ball, one good habit is to ID your ball with some marking on it so others know it's your golf ball. Even though there are so many golf balls to choose from, many other people seem to end up buying the same one you selected. On the golf course it's very easy to mistake your ball for someone else's, so protect your purchase with your mark.
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Wilson golf stand bag!
Headline News About Golf
Improve Your Vision on the Golf Course with ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''Mon, 15 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Improve Your Golf Posture and Balance with the LPGA’s Minea Blomqvist on the Next ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''Mon, 28 May 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Tour Players Discuss the New Titleist PT 906F2 Fairway MetalWed, 13 Sep 2006 00:00:00 GMT
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Tour players, including <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;"href="/players/playersequipment.asp?playerid=76">Steve Stricker</a>, <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;"href="/players/playersequipment.asp?playerid=58">Billy Mayfair</a>, <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;" href="/players/playersequipment.asp?playerid=415">Jason Bohn</a> and <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;"href="/players/playersequipment.asp?playerid=184">Robert Gamez</a> discuss the new <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;" href="/golfclubs/fairways/906F2.asp?bhcp=1">Titleist PT 906F2 fairway metal</a>, a Tour-inspired fairway metal that allows for crisp, solid contact from a variety of turf conditions.
Titleist is the Overwhelming Tee-to-Green Equipment Favorite at U.S. AmateurTue, 29 Aug 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Kirk Hanefeld: Diary of a Champions Tour Rookie #2Wed, 17 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Kirk Hanefeld, Director of Golf Operations at The International in Bolton, Massachusetts and Titleist Staff Member for 25 years, does not turn 50 until May 24, but he secured his Champions Tour card for 2006 with an impressive runner-up finish at Qualifying School in November. This is the second installment of what will be a periodic feature on titleist.com chronicling Kirk's rookie season on the Champions Tour.
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Here Are Some Great Golf Tips
by Lee MacRae
Read along as we offer up some great tips to improve your game of golf.
Jack Nicklaus once give a clinic years ago at the Inverarry Country Club in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Jack hit 12 tee shots of various trajectories from high to low. Not once was the tee knocked out of the ground and in all cases he elected to leave the height of the tee the same - he had the ball teed high. An effective optical aid you may want to use would be another golf tee other than the one the ball is teed upon. Note in the illustration, the tee is angled in the level to sightly upward position in relation to the ground. By placing the secondary tee across from the ball being struck, the student can set for himself the path the clubhead must be on in order to strike the ball with a solid, level blow.
Jack Nicklaus has often said that one his swing keys is to keep his clubhead traveling along the target line [an imaginary straight line between ball and target] as long as possible. It's a good thought, and because it helps you extend through the ball on the follow-through instead of "quitting" at impact, that is, not completing the follow-through. To keep the clubhead down the target line, imagine the target line extending toward your target and then focus on keeping the clubhead traveling along that line.
When addressing the ball with your driver, you must be loose and relaxed. Do not tighten up over the golf ball. It is important to waggle the club back and forth a few times in order to create some flow to start the golf swing. This action will promote proper rhythm and tempo.
We hope these simple tips help you to drive the ball straighter and farther. And that will happen if you take them with you to the driving range and work on them diligently. Use them whenever you meet the specific situation on the faiway, the bunker or on the putting green and see your success happen.
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Some Quick Golf InformationBe sure to check the location of the ball with clubs aligned on the ground. Step away to check that you are positioning the ball properly. Ask someone to double-check your positioning. It is hard, without alignment tape or clubs, to visually gauge the proper placement of the ball.
Golf Help
Sun Mountain Golf Bags
Scotland is often thought of as being the home of golf and has been known to the British Isles for centuries. The game is avidly played there and the oldest golf course in the world is situated at Musselburgh and is known as The Old Links. The Old Links has hosted golf as we have come to know it today since 1672 though earlier versions had also been played and known of in the British Isles as well as other countries of Northern Europe many centuries earlier. It is primarily an upper-class sport but has increased in popularity and become accessible to almost everyone today.
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Golf Clubs - Fairway Woods
Course conditions can influence the specifications of a golfer's equipment. This isn't a secret. We often hear of Tour players choosing wedges with more or less bounce, from week to week, to meet changing conditions in bunkers, for example.
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Custom Golf Equipment
Handle Leads Hands. The body should continue to move the arms through impact and into the finish. Don�t allow the clubhead to pass the handle of the club until well past impact.
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More Golf News
What Your Junior Golfer NeedsThu, 20 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Dr. Greg Rose, board certified Doctor of Chiropractic and cofounder of the Titleist Performace Institute, offers tips for parents of junior golfers.
James Lawton: Masters class in commitment exposes hollow heart of the 'golden generation'Tue, 15 Apr 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>According to his proud countryman Gary Player, Trevor Immelman has a swing like Ben Hogan. This was unquestionably a key factor in the 28-year-old South African's four-day march to a Masters' Green Jacket, but the most vital one of all was to be found closer to the ribcage from where he had a tumour removed a few months ago. The man from Cape Town may have had his nerve challenged briefly by a few roars hinting that the Tiger was stirring finally at Amen Corner, but his heart never wavered.</p>
Trust Runs DeepMon, 12 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Vijay Singh Captures Barclays Classic for Record Third Time; Top 11 Finishers Trust Titleist Golf Balls.
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Beginners Golf training Aids Updates
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Golf Beginner Guide is an eBook filled with info for the beginning golfer. Get it today!
Ballybunion Golf Club Cashen Course, A Perfect Complement to the Famous Old Course of Ballybunion
Getting a booking in the old course of the Ballybunion Golf Club can be quite difficult especially in the peak season. A long list is filled up months before the season and most of them are seasoned golfers looking forward to the difficult yet very relaxing links. But if you don�t get the chance to have some tee time on the old course, you may find that the Ballybunion Golf Club Cashen course, its new course, can be quite as challenging and some might say its more challenging.
Designed by Robert Trent Jones SR., the Ballybunion Golf Club Cashen course features spectacular yet difficult long links dotted with enormous sand dunes, which means you have to make the ball fly when you play to the number of greens that has been elevated in these treacherous course.
While scores of golfers from all over the world flock to Southwest Ireland for the old Ballybunion Golf Club course, local golfers tend to prefer the new Cashen course. Many low handicapped golfers have also expressed their preference for the new course, but the old still remains as a must go to and play course for all golfers, for maybe at least once.
The Ballybunion Golf Club Cashen course has traditional links and like the old course, it is exceptionally unique, and is set with the greatest sand dunes found in
golf courses world wide. Both are also designed along the Atlantic Ocean offering a calming back drop.
The Ballybunion Golf Club Cashen course is also a private members only club like the old course, but they do sometimes allow limited public access during weekdays. Limited guest plays are also allowed but must always be accompanied by a member.
The Ballybunion Golf Club Cashen course has set booking conditions so that other golfers can be accommodated as some of them come from different parts of the globe. Some of the conditions are:
� All payments are non-transferable and non-refundable.
� Bookings not paid by the due date will be removed from the list
� Payment in full must be given 28 days after reservations has been made.
� Payments can be done via cash, cheque or credit cards.
� A handicap limit is observed. 24 for males and 36 for females.
� The certificate of handicaps should be presented on the day of reservation.
� A group of four would only be the allowable number in each play.
Being one of the most sought after golf clubs in Ireland and the world, members, guests and visitors are expected to follow a dress code that would met the clubs high standards and should be neat, tidy and clean.
You will not be accepted in the club if you were the following:
� Sleeveless, singlets and shirts with no collars.
� Outfits with slogans.
� Shorts that are not tailored.
� Untucked shirts
� Leisure or track suits.
� Also, pant legs should not be tucked inside the top of the socks.
Carts are now also available to be used around the Ballybunion Golf Club Cashen course, it will only set you back 3.50 Euros for each cart for each round. You can also ride on buggies in the Cashen which is prohibited on the old course.
When it comes to golf courses, the Ballybunion Golf Club has more than a century of experience in the industry, whether it�s the old or new, you can be sure that you will get one of the more satisfying golf vacation trips in Ireland that you'll ever have.
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Quick Golf IdeasCustom Golf Putters
When it comes to putters the general rule of thumb is that if you CAN putt with a conventional putter, then you SHOULD putt with a conventional putter. But if you've got the yips or are too "handsy," a belly putter or long putter (also called a broomstick putter) might be worth checking out. Both reduce wrist action but distance control becomes dicier. Golfers with back woes might want to look at a long putter.
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Hitting the ground before the ball, or "fat shots" is a very common problem that can lead to injury. This is caused by either coming into the ball too steeply, and/or decelerating the club head as you hit the ball. Proper weight shift is important and keeping your right shoulder back on the downswing (opposite for left handers) is crucial. There is a tendency to throw the right shoulder ahead as you come down creating an outside in steep club path. Focus on swinging more around your body to remedy this. A good drill is to strap your upper arms to your body and hit balls. This makes it impossible to throw the shoulder forward. Don't forget to accelerate through the ball. When you slow down at the bottom of your swing, you will hit it fat every time.
PGA Tour
The target is not always the center of the fairway or green. To setup the next shot the target could be to the left or right of the fairway. Ball flight differs between players. If a player fades his tee shot, the target would be to the left of center of the fairway. If he draws the ball, the target would be right of center.One good point here is to always aim away from trouble on the course whenever possible. If there is trouble on the right, tee on the right side of the teeing area. Do the opposite if the trouble is on the left. In other words,tee the ball on the side the trouble is.
Golf Week
Driving Irons Golf
Kneework. The right knee should remain flexed, but it must rotate on the backswing to allow the hips to complete their turn. When done properly, this allows the weight to work into the right heel
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Golf Training Equipment
What do those other numbers mean? You may find another number on the ball such as 80, 90, or 100. That number stands for the compression (essentially, the hardness) of the ball. It takes more strength to hit a 100 compression than an 80 compression. However, most people buy a golf ball according to how it "feels". Usually the higher compression ball feels more solid. The lesser compression feels softer and "gives" more. Feel is different for everyone so buy one which feels right for you. A ball with no number generally means it's a 90 compression ball, the one most people use.
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More Golf News
James Lawton: Masters class in commitment exposes hollow heart of the 'golden generation'Tue, 15 Apr 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>According to his proud countryman Gary Player, Trevor Immelman has a swing like Ben Hogan. This was unquestionably a key factor in the 28-year-old South African's four-day march to a Masters' Green Jacket, but the most vital one of all was to be found closer to the ribcage from where he had a tumour removed a few months ago. The man from Cape Town may have had his nerve challenged briefly by a few roars hinting that the Tiger was stirring finally at Amen Corner, but his heart never wavered.</p>
Titleist Announces Holiday Free PersonalizationTue, 19 Oct 2004 00:00:00 GMT
by Rosie Jones
Tour Players Discuss the New Titleist PT 906F2 Fairway MetalWed, 13 Sep 2006 00:00:00 GMT
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Tour players, including <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;"href="/players/playersequipment.asp?playerid=76">Steve Stricker</a>, <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;"href="/players/playersequipment.asp?playerid=58">Billy Mayfair</a>, <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;" href="/players/playersequipment.asp?playerid=415">Jason Bohn</a> and <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;"href="/players/playersequipment.asp?playerid=184">Robert Gamez</a> discuss the new <a span style="font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica; font-size: 11
px; font-weight:none; color:#A40101;" href="/golfclubs/fairways/906F2.asp?bhcp=1">Titleist PT 906F2 fairway metal</a>, a Tour-inspired fairway metal that allows for crisp, solid contact from a variety of turf conditions.
U.S. Open® Timeline - 57 Years of HistoryFri, 17 Jun 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Our Featured Golf Writer
If you want a great golf swing then get this
Simple Golf Swing eBook
Golf Tips And Lessons On The Web Can Be Helpful
By Tim Gorman
There are golf tips and lessons on the web. You can find these golf tips and lessons on the web at almost any site that has information about golf.
You can look for golf tips and lessons on the web that will help you improve your swing.
There are golf tips and lessons on the web that will give you instructions about how to deal with a golf slice problem.
Look for golf tips and lessons on the web that deal with the newest golf aids and gadgets.
Golf tips and lessons on the web can assist you if you want to find a golf course anywhere in the world.
Golf tips and lessons on the web can be helpful if you are looking for a new set of clubs or a golf cart.
Search golf online sites for golf tips and lessons on the web if you want to learn more about putting techniques.
Golf tips and lessons on the web will provide information if you need to improve your game from a mental standpoint.
Peruse golf tips and lessons on the web for the best golf magazines.
If you could use a better golf stance you should look for golf tips and lessons on the web.
Do you have the right kind of golfing shoes? Get brand names when you look under golf tips and lessons on the web.
The right kind of golf ball is crucial. Find the right ones for you when you search for golf tips and lessons on the web.
Use the golf tips and lessons on the web to improve your game and find out about the latest products available.
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Golf-Swing-Improvement.com. He provides more golfing tips, putting tips and [http://www.golf-swing-improvement.com/Golf-Swing-Instruction.html]golf swing instruction tips that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
Additional Info On Golf TodayTee the Ball Higher. The old adage has always been that the top of the driver should be about halfway up the ball when it is teed up. However, with a 460cc driver, I like to see you set the ball high enough on a peg such that the top of the driver is no more than one-third of the way up the ball. Of course, this means that the standard 2 1/8-inch tee will not be long enough to accommodate. You will need a tee at least 3 inches in length, but likely a little longer than this.
Golf Help
Weighted Practice Club
Swing one of these properly (smoothly), and your technique will improve, just like Vijay's does.
Golf Tips magazine
Driving Irons Golf
All golfers should use standard length clubs unless he or she is short or tall. Standard length clubs allow players to hit the ball on center a higher percentage of the time, thus increasing distance and accuracy. In recent years, light weight Titanium driver heads and Ultralight graphite shafts have extended driver playing lengths from a standard 43-431/2" to 44-46". This is good news and bad news. The good news is, when you increase length, you will increase distance. The longer the club, the more club head speed generated , thus more distance. The bad news is, the longer the club the more difficult it is to control, thus less accuracy. To put this into perspective, the following information will be helpful. A driver hit on center at 43" = 250 yds. 43 1/2"= 262 yds. 44" = 270 yds. 44 1/2" = 275 yds. 45" = 275-280 yds. As you can see a significant increase in distance is achieved up to 44". After 44", distance increases only a minimal amount . CONCLUSION - It is not worth sacrificing accuracy for the minimal amount of distance gained past 44". Keep driver playing lengths to 44" or less
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A proper grip will reduce your tendency to slice. A good grip will keep the clubhead square at impact and keep the shaft from turning in your hands. Pictured is the popular overlap grip, also known as the Vardon grip.
Golf Instruction Guide
While all golfers continue to look for that secret that will perfect their swing,. it is wishful thinking that they will find it because their is no secret to swinging the golf club. Even with the best of players no two swings are alike. What works for one player doesn't necessarily work for another. There are no two swings alike - similar, but not alike.
Tom's golf tips
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Focus on Feel and Performance with New Titleist AP1, AP2, ZB Forged and ZM Forged Irons
U.S. Amateur Champion Trusts Titleist in Historic VictoryFri, 24 Aug 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist is the Top Choice of More Players across Every Major Equipment Category
Off to a Fast StartTue, 13 Dec 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist Ambassador Ernie Els Completes Comeback from Knee Surgery
Learn How to Get a Complete Workout in 10-15 Minutes on ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''Fri, 26 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Airs Monday, May 29 at 8:40 p.m. on The Golf Channel
Champion's ChoiceMon, 01 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Jay Haas Trusts Titleist from Tee-to-Green in Back-to-Back Victories.
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For The Beginner - Cast Iron Golf Clubs Or Forged?
By: Lee MacRae
With a larger variety of
golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.
Follow along as we examine what is available on the market today and what they can do for you...and your golf game.
First, are you between five and six feet tall? Then standard clubs will most likely work for you. That principle holds for both sexes. There are enough standard clubs on the market that you should be able to find ones to suit the rest of your needs in a golf club.
If you are outside the heights for standard clubs, then you may want to look at getting custom clubs made just for you.
Cast or Forged Clubs?
Standard cast iron golf clubs are the normal way to go.
Why do we say that? Very simply because standard cast iron clubs tend to have a larger "sweet spot". That term refers to the area in the middle of the face of the club head where the ball should be struck for maximum distance and accuracy. The bigger the sweet spot, the better chance of hitting well it every time. It makes it a little easier to hit the "bulls eye" every time on your shots. You can see why beginners are usually told to stay with cast iron clubs Without a steady consistant swing, a larger striking area will produce better shots overall. That is why you see a lot of oversized club heads on the market today. They allow average duffers the opportunity of striking the ball well and getting great drives more often.
With forged iron clubs you have the exact opposite. A smaller sweet spot that makes your drives that much harder to hit well.
Which begs the question. Why make forged iron clubs?
Well, because they are made of a softer steel, they offer a better "feel" on each and every shot. The more experienced golfers can use this feel to great advantage, shaping their shots, even curving them intentionally when the circumstances require it. So, in effect, they trade off the larger sweet spot for the shot shaping feel of a forged iron club.
Next question, will you use steel or a composite material for the shaft of your new club?
The major criteria here is club speed. An average golfer will have a club head speed of 80-94 mph. Lower speeds usually means you should look at a composite shaft. With a slower swing speed comes less distance on your drives. Less distance means more shots needed to reach the putting green. Not a good thing if you want to lower your score. And that is where the composite golf club shaft enters the picture. It gives you a lot more distance than you would get with your normal swing and a steel shaft.
For golfers with faster swing speeds, you don't necessarily need more distance. What you really want is more control. A steel tube shaft will give you that control to go along with your acceptable distance.
In order to determine your personal swing speed, look for a sports shop or golf store that has speed sensor equipment and get yourself clocked.
So there you have it. Just a few quick tips but ones that will start you down the path to finding the right clubs for your game. Take the time to try different clubs and see how they hinder or help your game. If possible, even try different types of composite shafts. Different manufacturers will have different standards for shaft flex and so on. Check out as many as possible and take note of how each works for you.
Work on these tips and make sure you tee off with a positive mindset. The more you practice and implement what you learn, the more confidence you will gain in your ability to hit it straight and long. And watch your scores begin to plummet!
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Thoughts On GolfUsed Golf Irons
Level Legs. The lack of traction in bunkers forces the legs to function differently than they do on full shots�they must maintain their flex during the entire swing instead of posting up through impact. This will keep you nice and level through the shot.
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If your first set of clubs is going to be a new one, you might consider a clubfitting. Many teaching pros do an in-depth clubfitting that lasts 30-45 minutes. If you don't do that, then being measured in a pro shop to make sure the clubs you choose are well-suited to your body type can't hurt. The standard, off-the-shelf length for golf clubs corresponds to a male who is 5-foot-10. If you are around that size, then standard will probably work just fine. If much shorter or taller, get fitted.
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To a beginning golfer hitting a golf ball seems easy until they try it. Golf can be a sometimes frustrating, and time-consuming game to learn. My recommendation is that players practice patience by not hurrying to the golf course to learn how to play. Do your learning on the practice range where your mind will not be on scoring, but on learning.
PGA professional golf
Today's Golf News
Vaughn Taylor Repeats Winning Feat in Record-Setting Fashion at Reno-Tahoe OpenMon, 22 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Improve Your Golf Posture and Balance with the LPGA’s Minea Blomqvist on the Next ''Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist''Mon, 28 May 2007 00:00:00 GMT
A Fitting Achievement.Tue, 27 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Gamez Captures Valero Texas Open Trusting Titleist from Tee-to-Green.
Howell's magic runs out in play-off defeatMon, 07 Apr 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>France's Grégory Bourdy denied David Howell what would have been an amazing victory yesterday, winning the Portuguese Open at the third hole of a play-off at Oitavos Dunes.</p>
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You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your
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Tips For Sand Trap Play
By Lee MacRae
Here are some golf driving tips to make your sand and bunker game better. Take a trip out to the range and see what it does for your score the next time out
The worst thing about hitting an uphill sand shot is that your ball probably is plugged in the sand. Balls that aren't plugged usually roll back down to a flat area. Here's how to play the shot: anchor your body by planting your right foot solidly in the sand, and slant your shoulders so that they are parallel with the slope. The swing for the shot isn't pretty. Just pick up the club sharply, keeping your legs still, and whack the sand behind the ball. Don't try to follow through. Remember that in such a perilous position any recovery is a good recovery.
The delicate explosion shot [where you see a puff of sand and the ball flies to the hole and stops on a dime] is tough to hit consistently. Most attempts see the ball rolling more than expected. So why not anticipate the roll and play for it? The idea is to take the spin out of the shot by hitting even farther behind the ball than usual [three or four inches is recommended] and compensating for the removal of power by making a full swing. Your ball will explode out of the sand but will roll a good three or four yards.
One of the most awkward bunker shots calls for you to stand outside the bunker when your ball is inside it. This usually results in unpleasant bending and a loss of balance. The key here is not to bend the back and stretch out to the ball. Concentrat instead on bending the knees as much as possible. Think of weightlifters. You never see them bending over to pick up their weights. They bend their knees, grab the weights, then simply stand up. Their legs are doing the lifting. Your legs, too, should do the bending on these tough bunker shots.
The average golfer usually fears the shot from a sand bunker and is defeated before they even attempt one. With practice, keeping in mind the proper technique and a few tips and hints, sand play will be a lot easier than you imagined. And your golf game will be better for it.
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More Thoughts On GolfStanding on the tee or fairway, a player very often will not be able to see the green. Perhaps the fairway bends, or doglegs, to the left with the approach to the green and flag obscured by a line of trees. An inexperienced player would be well advised in this situation to take the safe option and aim to position the ball to just beyond the line of trees, leaving it in a position where the flag is visible. From there, it would be a straightforward approach shot.
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Wilson Golf Irons
When buying a putter remember that grips and weight are factors with major impacts on feel. Many believe that a thicker grip helps prevent wrist bend, but a
thicker grip won't be comfortable for all. Weight is entirely a personal preference, and you can find putters that run the gamut from feathery to lead-ish in weight.
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You've heard that a golf-specific workout will help you get more distance, so you're pumping iron, jogging religiously, stretching - but you still haven't gained any distance off the tee. What's the deal? An exercise program will indeed help you gain distance, but you also need to have good swing technique to take advantage of your strength and flexibility.
The Golf Channel
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Bermudagrass has a very different texture than rye, bluegrass or bent. It grows with a great deal of grain and the blades of grass are "prickly" and more dense. Players with steep swings sometimes get the blade of the club stuck in the ground. This is particularly true with blade irons with thin soles with very little camber. Thicker soles, more camber and bounce are features that make shots from bermudagrass slightly easier for steep swingers.
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Today's Golf News
Titleist Tour Report: EDS Byron Nelson ChampionshipFri, 12 May 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Check out this week's Titleist Tour Report, featuring PGA TOUR rookie Camilo Villegas.
A New Season of Success for Toms and TitleistMon, 16 Jan 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist Pro V1 loyalist David Toms wins the first full-field event of the 2006 PGA TOUR season at which more players trust Titleist golf balls, irons, utility irons, wedges and putters than any other brand.
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Which Golf Clubs Are For You?
By: Lee MacRae
Are you looking to buy new
golf clubs? Finding it difficult to determine what will work the best for you? Newcomers especially can become bewildered by the large variety of golf clubs you see when you are looking to buy.
Read along as we discuss the types available and what they each can do for your game of golf.
To begin with, it can be stated that "off the shelf" golf clubs will work for nearly everybody standing between 5 feet and six feet tall. The principle applies to both sexes. Everyone else will want to consider having clubs made to fit.
Cast or Forged Golf Club?
Standard cast iron golf clubs are the normal way to go.
Why, you ask? Because most standard cast iron golf clubs have a larger "sweet spot". That refers to the area right in the middle of the club face. The larger "sweet spot" you have, the less likely it is that you will hit a bad shot You can still be a little "off center" and the ball is still struck well because you have a larger margin of error. This makes cast iron clubs ideal for anyone who wants a more consistant shot., especially beginners. Until their swing plane is more developed, they will have an easier time striking the ball on a consistant basis with the cast iron club. That is why clubs like "Big Bertha" came on the market. The large oversized head obviously gives a much larger sweet spot than a normal driver. Average golfers get longer and straighter drives on a more consistant basis.
Forged iron clubs are generally the opposite. Harder to hit with because of a smaller sweet spot on the club face.
So why would people buy a forged iron golf club?
Well, because they are made of a softer steel, they offer a better "feel" on each and every shot. The more seasoned player, especially the pros on the circuit, don't need that larger sweet spot. They have a more consistant swing plane and strike the ball with far more accuracy. They use the "feel" of the the forged iron clubs to influence the flight of the ball in a way that a beginner or average player can't.
The shaft of the club is your next thing to look at. Specifically the material it will be made from. Basically, you have steel or composite shafts
The important touchstone here is golf club speed. An ordinary golf player will have a club velocity of 80-94 mph. Slower speeds normally means looking at a shaft made from composite material. The problem with lower speed is you get less distance on your shots. You need to generate more speed [and more power] or find some way to compensate until you can. And that is where the composite golf club shaft enters the picture. It gives you a lot more distance than you would get with your normal swing and a steel shaft.
On the other hand, if you already have good distance on your shots due to good swing speed, you can add some touch and feel to your game very similar to that obtained by using the forged iron clubs. You get the best of both worlds.
You can find out your own swing speed by looking for a golf store that has a velocity speed gun or a radar gun package. It won't cost you much and you will know very quickly which type of shaft is best for you. You can even find some battery operated doppler radar devices on the market that you can set up and use to determine your club velocity by yourself.
With merely these few starting tips, it is normally best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club helps or hampers your game. You are seeking to ascertain your individual strong points or weaknesses. Try out the various types and varieties of golf clubs available at your local golf course or in a nearby town and see what you can learn. You will soon determine the best approach to improving your personal score.
If you implement these tips and work on them, you will be certain to develop a better drive within a short period of time. Just keep on practicing and working on your improvement. It's only a matter of time before your scores begin to drop.
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More Thoughts On GolfMany swing faults occur from an improper setup. This can cause unnecessary adjustments during the swing. Taking care to position the ball, feet, hips and shoulders properly ensures building a good swing foundation. Testing has shown golfers with open stances show no more tendency to slice than golfers with closed stances. The open stance may give the golfers a little more opportunity to slice, because it allows a little more freedom in the downswing and follow-though. The square stance is used by most successful golfers. Beginners should start with a square stance. As you advance, you can experiment with the advantages of other stances. Avoid extreme stances. Experiment to find the stance that works best for you. Take care to set up consistently on all normal shots.
Golf Help
Putting Tip
Wanna be a good putter? Here are some basic fundamentals you should be practicing.
--Get a putter with a very distinct line marked on it to indicate the target line and practice with a chalk line. You can get a chalk line at any hardware store for 5 or 6 bucks, and it's as valuable a training aid as there is anywhere. Find a putt on the practice green that is straight. Snap a chalk line down from about 5 or 6 feet to the middle of the cup. Make sure that the entire length of the line on your putter is exactly on the chalk line. Start making putts. This will train your eyes to "see square" precisely.
--Keep your the pressure in your hands soft and constant throughout the stroke. Sensitivity is obviously a huge part of putting. If your hands are tight on the grip you are diminishing your sensitivity - period. Also, if your grip pressure changes during the stroke, it's probably not "a stroke" but more likely a jab, flinch, spasm, push, hit ... well, you get the point -- good luck with that kind of technique.
--There is no independent action in the hands. Nothing could be more logical: If you do indeed have the putter face aligned precisely, as in the first point above, the last thing you'd want to do is to change the position of the face. Therefore, your hands should not be moving independently of your arms and shoulders. To see if your hands are moving, as a drill try watching your hands very carefully (instead of the ball) a few times. You'll see what your hands are doing quite easily.
There are many more (seemingly endless) details about putting, of course, but if you turn these fundamental concepts into habits it will take you a long way toward being a consistently good putter
PGA professional golf
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Golfers are at a high risk for macular degeneration and other unpleasant eye diseases.
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Golf Related News
The Power of MomentumMon, 02 Apr 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Adam Scott Captures Shell Houston Open Trusting New Pro V1 Golf Ball, 907D2 Driver
Masters preview: Dougherty flies west with the goose, primed to fulfil his American dreamSun, 06 Apr 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>Here is how it goes for the Masters first-timer. Arrive on Sunday, spend four days of practice walking around in a trance, whispering things like: "This is where Tiger holed his chip from, right here" to your caddy. On Thursday, tee it up in the first round. Make a few birdies, get all excited. Make a few double bogeys, the odd treble, the even odder quintuple, get all downhearted. On Friday evening, reluctantly hand in your player's pass and desperately look over your shoulder as security ushers you through the gates. </p>
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Why I Like Golf Clubs
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Wondering which golf clubs you should buy?
By: Lee MacRae
With so many different makes and types of
golf clubs on the market, it is no wonder beginners, let alone the more experienced golfer, can become easily confused when it comes to buying clubs.
Follow along as we discuss each type and what may be best for you.
First, take note of your height. Standard golf clubs are designed for individuals bewteen five and six feet. That principle holds for both sexes. Standard clubs will come in enough variety that you should find something to fit the rest of your personal needs quite readily.
Anyone else, should take a look at getting custom fitted clubs to match their height.
Cast Iron or Forged Iron Golf Club?
For most golfers, the standard cast iron clubs are the proper way to go.
And there is a reason for that. Very simply because standard cast iron clubs tend to have a larger "sweet spot". The trem refers to the best area on the club face that will give you the maximum range and accuracy on a shot. The bigger the sweet spot, the better chance of hitting well it every time. Being a little off center will not affect your shot to any great degree. It is for that main reason the beginners are steered towards cast iron clubs. Without a steady consistant swing, a larger striking area will produce better shots overall. That is why you see a lot of oversized club heads on the market today. They allow average duffers the opportunity of striking the ball well and getting great drives more often.
By contrast, forged iron golf clubs are "harder to hit" a good shot with as they have a smaller sweet spot.
Why, you ask, are forged iron clubs even made then?
Because the "softer" forged metal gives the golfer a better feel than the harder cast iron does. The better players, on the other hand, will give up that larger sweet spot [and even some distance] to get that better feel of each and every shot they take. With a more consistant swing, they usually strike the ball dead center on most shots anyway. With the better feel of the forged iron club, they can draw, fade, hook or slice the ball deliberately when circumstances on the golf course require it.
The next consideration is the material for the shaft. Steel or composite?
The important touchstone here is golf club speed. An ordinary golf player will have a club velocity of 80-94 mph. Slower speeds normally means looking at a shaft made from composite material. With a slower swing speed comes less distance on your drives. Less distance means more shots needed to reach the putting green. Not a good thing if you want to lower your score. And that is where the composite shaft material comes in. The composite shaft will give you longer drives than you will normally get with your low swing speed and steel shafted golf clubs.
For those of you with faster swing speeds, and subsequenlty good distances, steel shafted clubs will give you a lot more control on your shots. This is very similar to the advantages of iron over cast clubs.
In order to determine your personal swing speed, look for a sports shop or golf store that has speed sensor equipment and get yourself clocked.
So there you have it. Just a few quick tips but ones that will start you down the path to finding the right clubs for your game. Take the time to try different clubs and see how they hinder or help your game. If possible, even try different types of composite shafts. Different manufacturers will have different standards for shaft flex and so on. Check out as many as possible and take note of how each works for you.
Work on these tips and make sure you tee off with a positive mindset. The more you practice and implement what you learn, the more confidence you will gain in your ability to hit it straight and long. And watch your scores begin to plummet!
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Quick Golf IdeasTo start with a proven ball position. Moving a golf ball even two inches forward or back in your stance can make a great deal of difference in shot consistency. Start with the ball a couple of inches inside the left heel. After you master this consistent ball position, you can experiment with other ball positions. However, a ball too far to the front of your stance will increase the chances of a slice by encouraging an outside-to-inside swing. A ball too far back in the stance will make it difficult to get the clubface closed by impact and may cause a push or a push slice.
Golf Help
If the shoulders are in a closed position (facing to the right of the target) the clubhead travel will be inside-to-outside of the target line. With the shoulders parallel to the target line at impact, the clubhead travel will be inside-to-direct. This shoulder motion allows the clubhead to travel to the target, not away from the target as in the other positions.Remember the shoulders must remain passive, and are a follower in your swing, not a leader.
Tom's golf tips
You've heard that a golf-specific workout will help you get more distance, so you're pumping iron, jogging religiously, stretching - but you still haven't gained any distance off the tee. What's the deal? An exercise program will indeed help you gain distance, but you also need to have good swing technique to take advantage of your strength and flexibility.
The Golf Channel
Golf Related News
New Episode of “Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist” Focuses on PostureMon, 29 Aug 2005 00:00:00 GMT
HAWAII 2-0.Mon, 15 Jan 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Goydos Captures Sony Open Playing New Pro V1 Prototype Golf Ball
Get In the Proper Set-Up PositionWed, 16 Mar 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Tiger and his prey: Woods hot on the trail if the sun comes out to playSun, 06 Apr 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>However many regular tournaments Tiger Woods wins, however many he wins in a row, the world No 1 does not consider a year "great" until he has won a major championship. </p>
Former Major League Baseball Pitcher, Tom House, Helps Build Better Shoulders for Golf on the Golf Fitness Academy Presented by TitleistMon, 25 Jul 2005 00:00:00 GMT
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Golfing Tips For Beginners
By: Michael Rad
Golf can start an afternoon hobby and turn into a real passion as you get more involved with it. Learning how to play golf is not difficult and going through all the initial steps is actually fun and rewarding. Here are a few golfing tips that will help you start of on the right foot and turn into a real golfer:
Don�t go for the shiniest, most expensive set of
golf clubs. As a beginner you will miss a lot of the subtleties of professional golf equipment, so it�s not worth spending thousands of dollars on the latest technology and golf club models. Start with a cheaper set of clubs, maybe even a used one. A good golf set would have a putter, two woods and five irons. The irons are usually the odd numbers, such as 3, 5, 7 and 9 plus a wedge. If you want to experience different club types without actually purchasing them you can always rent a set from the golf course. As in most cases, beginners play their first golf rounds with a more experienced friend � you can also borrow some clubs from them.
Getting golf lessons
Golf coaches are a better alternative than friends when it comes to teaching you how to properly play golf. However, if you are just starting golf for the fun of the game, a friend might be a good tutor initially. The only problem with friends teaching you how to golf is that they do not have the necessary skills to explain all the complexities of the movements, swings and strategies. A golf coach is experienced in getting you complicated terms in plain English. You can sign up for golf lessons at most golf courses, and this is a good investment if you have a competitive nature and a few friends that doubt your golfing skills. While costs can range from $20 to $50 per hour, you can also get a group booking that will save you some money.
Golf for fun
Once you have the basic notions about golf it is time to make the most out of this game: have fun! Ambition and determination are great when developing your golf skills, but do not let these reduce the enjoyment levels of the game.
Let's Talk About Golflearn the basics of stance and posture, the thought of hitting into a greenside sand trap unsettles many golfers. Improving your technique reduces the fear of bunker play and builds self-confidence in your shot-making capabilities.
PGA Tour
I have a drill that may work for you when practicing your putting stroke called the Tap stroke. To learn this stroke pretend there is a tack stuck in the back of the ball and when you make your stroke have the putter head drive the tack further into the ball. This will encourage you to hit the ball with more authority which with this shorter stroke there will be less chance of the putter blade getting out of what is called square position. So start getting "Tacky" on the greens!
World Golf
Yardage Has Been Lost
The downside of this shot-making decision is that yardage has been lost and, therefore, a possible birdie opportunity has been missed because there is still a fair amount of ground to be made up before the putting surface can be reached. The solution is to hit the ball so that it bends around the trees at the right moment and makes a greater distance down the fairway, resulting in an approach shot much nearer the hole. The skill called for here is to draw the ball, hitting it initially on a path to the right before it curves round to the left, avoiding the trees and leaving a more desirable lie.
mastering golf UK
The reason for good extension in the follow through is to keep the clubface accelerating at impact! The reason that the slice is so common is that many players try to keep the clubface angle square to the target throught and after impact. This actually opens the face,resulting in a left to right spin to the ball (Slice).
LPGA tips
Most golfers set their driver on the ground at address. This results in a high percentage of driver shots being hit on the heel-side of the face, especially when we tee the ball higher. Test yourself this way: The next time you are at the range and set up to hit your driver, once in the address position stretch your arms out and move the club up to the ball's height. Notice where the ball is going to contact the face of your driver? On the heel side � or possibly the hosel � of your driver.
PGA Tour
Golf Related News
Titleist Tour Report: Western OpenFri, 07 Jul 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Check out the latest Titleist Tour Report from the Cialis Western Open, featuring Titleist Staff Player Steve Stricker.
Former Major League Baseball Pitcher, Tom House, Helps Build Better Shoulders for Golf on the Golf Fitness Academy Presented by TitleistMon, 25 Jul 2005 00:00:00 GMT
by Rosie Jones
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Our Featured Golf Writer
If you want a great golf swing then get this
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Golf Workout
by Body4Golf.com
The best investment you can make before spending all that money on expensive golf clubs and lessons is a golf workout program. To get the most out of your golf clubs and lessons, your body must be readily fit with the proper golf workout program that targets all the muscles required for the best golf swing according to your body make-up.
All the newest golf technology will not help you if you dont get the necessary stength and flexibility in your body in order to make the proper movement involved with the golf swing, pain free with power & balance. One of the best books I have come accross regarding a golf workout program can be found by Clicking Here!
Then and only then will you get the maximum results from todays golf technology without having to spend yourself out of playing the best golf of your life.
Body4Golf.com is a dedicated website on golf workout articles and related topics.
Let's Talk About GolfTo learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
Golf Instruction Guide
The simple way to learn the proper feel of your swing center is to place a golf ball on the ground and, with sun to your back, take your stance in a position whereby the shadow of your head covers the ball. As you swing, keep your eyes on the shadow. During the swing the shadow will move slightly, however if it moves off the ball you have lost the correct swing center. If the shadow remains on the ball you have kept the swing in the correct position. Repeat this excellent drill daily so as to reinforce good habits that will yield the reults you seek.
A proper grip will reduce your tendency to slice. A good grip will keep the clubhead square at impact and keep the shaft from turning in your hands. Pictured is the popular overlap grip, also known as the Vardon grip.
Golf Instruction Guide
When starting the downswing the shoulders should be passive, allowing the forward motion of the legs to pull the right shoulder down and forward, squaring the shoulders to the target line at impact. If the shoulders have moved into an open position (facing to the left of the target) prior to impact, the clubhead will travel outside-to-inside of the target line. This brings the clubhead over the ball promoting an over the top move.
US Open
Keep Your Hands Low
Limiting the height of the followthrough will effectively reduce the height of your shots. The lower the hands, the lower the ballflight. Moving the ball back in your stance or choosing a stronger club and trying to swing easy are other ways to accomplish the same thing, but they're less reliable and more difficult to execute. Instead, keep your hands low in the finish (compare the two photos at right), and the trajectory of your shots will be lower.
Golf Tips magazine
Today's Golf News
Montgomerie pins Masters snub on not being ChineseTue, 01 Apr 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>Over the years Colin Montgomerie has made the occasional statement that has send eyebrows sky-bound, but yesterday's claim that he would be teeing it up at next week's Masters if he were only Chinese was hard to refute.</p>
Continuing a Tradition of SuccessFri, 30 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist Pro Titanium 905 drivers are being played with overwhelming success by competitive players worldwide.
What Your Junior Golfer NeedsThu, 20 Oct 2005 00:00:00 GMT
Dr. Greg Rose, board certified Doctor of Chiropractic and cofounder of the Titleist Performace Institute, offers tips for parents of junior golfers.
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You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your
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Cast Iron Golf Clubs Or Forged?
By: Lee MacRae
With a larger variety of
golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.
Follow along as we discuss each type and what may be best for you.
First, are you between five and six feet tall? Then standard clubs will most likely work for you. That can be said to apply to men as well as to women. Anyone else should consider looking to custom clubs for the best fit.
Cast or Forged Clubs?
The answer normally is "cast iron".
Why, you ask? The answer centers on a particular feature of the cast iron club - a larger "sweet spot". That refers to the area right in the middle of the club face. The bigger the sweet spot, the better chance of hitting well it every time. It makes it a little easier to hit the "bulls eye" every time on your shots. This makes cast iron clubs ideal for anyone who wants a more consistant shot., especially beginners. Their swing is not as consistant as a seasoned golfer or a pro and so they have an easier time driving the ball well with a larger sweet spot at their disposal. That is why you see a lot of oversized club heads on the market today. They allow average duffers the opportunity of striking the ball well and getting great drives more often.
With forged iron clubs you have the exact opposite. A smaller sweet spot that makes your drives that much harder to hit well.
So why would people buy a forged iron golf club?
This is due to the fact that forged iron offers a better "feel" on your shot because it is a softer metal than cast iron. The better players, on the other hand, will give up that larger sweet spot [and even some distance] to get that better feel of each and every shot they take. With a more consistant swing, they usually strike the ball dead center on most shots anyway. With the better feel of the forged iron club, they can draw, fade, hook or slice the ball deliberately when circumstances on the golf course require it.
The shaft of the club is the next item to look at. What will it be made of? A composite or steel?
How fast can you swing your golf club? Average speed for a golfer falls in the range of 80 to 95 mph. If you have a slower club head speed then you need to look to composite materials. Slower swing speeds mean less distance on your shots. Not a good thing. And that is where the composite golf club shaft enters the picture. It gives you a lot more distance than you would get with your normal swing and a steel shaft.
By contrast, those with good distances on their shots, will fare much better by using a steel shaft that will give them some touch and control on their shots.
You can find out your own swing speed by looking for a golf store that has a velocity speed gun or a radar gun package. It won't cost you much and you will know very quickly which type of shaft is best for you. You can even find some battery operated doppler radar devices on the market that you can set up and use to determine your club velocity by yourself.
With just these few starting tips, it is usually best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club helps or hinders your game. You are looking to determine your personal strengths and weaknesses. Try the various types and kinds of clubs available to you and, in time, you will be able to narrow in on what will work best for you and which clubs offer the best advantages to improve your golf score.
These simple golf driving tips have proved effective in helping many golfers around the world improve their drives off the tee. Simply apply what you have read here to your own circumstances. Here's to your own improvement!
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More Thoughts On GolfTo develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Make sure your grip is comfortable. It is important to develop a neutral grip that requires no compensations during the swing. The orthodox position with the V.s of both hands (formed by the forefinger and the thumb) pointing between the chin and right shoulder is a good place to start. Very few good players have grips with the V.s pointing very far from this position. If you want a little stronger grip move the left hand over to the right a little.
The Golf Channel
Long Arms
Soft arms are fast arms, and you don't want them moving independently of the body. Instead, the arms must be thrown out and extended by a proper pivot.
Golf Tips magazine
To keep other body movements from moving the swing center keep your weight to the inside of your feet. Never allow this weight to transfer outside as this will pull you out of position. Allow the rotation of the shoulders and arms to carry the club to the top of the backswing. These are some key points that will give you feedback in understanding how to feel the proper swing center.
A proper grip will reduce your tendency to slice. A good grip will keep the clubhead square at impact and keep the shaft from turning in your hands. Pictured is the popular overlap grip, also known as the Vardon grip.
Golf Instruction Guide
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Titleist is the #1 ball for more players and more champions across the worldwide professional tours. In fact, in 2008, Titleist golf ball players have already recorded 17 victories around the world, as opposed to 4 for the nearest competitor. Since the introduction of the Pro V1 in 2000, the golf ball franchise has been the golf ball of choice for more than 1,000 champions worldwide.
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Make You Golf Swing Like A Pro - Perfect Golf Swing
By Arturas Gotceitas
Do you want to have perfect
golf like professional golf players has? This kind of swing i will call " perfect golf swing " .
All golf players want to have perfect golf swing . But golf is a difficult game to master . It takes the time to practice to improve your golfing skill . I will give you some tips to make perfect golf swing.
When you are playing golf totally concentrate on your game . Let other thoughts go trough your head . Concentrate at your target .
Make sure you are relaxed before you swing . You can do that by contracting all your muscles for a second an then relaxing them .
If you want to make perfect swing you must use the muscles in your legs and trunk then you swing . This gives more power to your swing . But most important thing for perfect golf swing is the angel not the strength that is applied to it.
If you are looking for an aid to improve your golf swing they are not hard to find . Ask an expert advice about choosing golf swing aids to improve your golf swing and make it perfect.
When you got your aid just stick to it and start practicing . I do not recommendate to choose multiple golf swing aids . Investing in your golf swing guides will definitely help you to improve your golfing skills .But if you want to have perfect golf swing you need to practice a lot . No aids will help you to improve your swing without practicing .
Golfing aids will help you to improve your golfing skills but you still need to practice.
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Thoughts On GolfMany players do not truly understand this term, and its meaning. Some think it is hitting down on the ball. Not So! Trying to get the ball airborne is the move that disturbs this clubhead path. The loft of the clubface is sufficient to lift the ball. Attempting to lift the ball tends to open the clubface which will slice the ball and lose distance as well.
Learn About Golf
Don't grip the club too tightly. A tight grip inhibits a smooth swing and follow-though. Also, keep the grips on your clubs in good condition. Worn grips force you to hold the club too tightly. Replace the grips on your clubs as they get worn and smooth. When first learning the grip, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and regripping the club a few minutes each day. Remember to keep fingers secure and arms relaxed.
Golf Instruction Guide
I could ask ten players what starts the downswing, and I would get ten different answers. It has been said that golf is both an art and a science. "To know a thing by its parts is science: to feel it as a whole is art." It helps to understand the mechanics (Science) of a swing. It also helps to understand how to develop the feel (Art).
Tom's golf tips
To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
PGA of America
To achieve the goal of hitting the ball at the bottom of the swing arc. Your drives should be hit slightly on the upswing, iron shots are struck slightly on the downswing. Fairway woods are hit at the bottom of the swing arc.
PGA of America
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